
Is it Time For A Wellness Retreat?

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It’s difficult these days to find a source of calmness. Our lives seem like they are moving at an increasingly rapid pace. Ask any friends and family how they are doing and a common response is “I am tired”. It’s as if we are all looking for relief from stress and anxiety but do not know where to turn. So how about a mental health retreat? What better place to look for a wellness retreat than in British Columbia Canada. A retreat in the mountainous regions of BC can help to destress and unplug us from our hectic lives of phones, cars, and noise.  Regenerating your mind and soul can reset your productivity and help refocus your purpose. But, what exactly is a retreat and how can you benefit from one?

What is a Wellness Retreat?

Retreats have roots in Hindu and Buddhist religions. The idea was to take part in reflection, prayer or meditation. The goal was to bring greater enlightenment and understanding. There are thousands of different retreats and methods undertaken to achieve greater enlightenment and understanding. And the idea of a retreat can be something different for different people. But in this context we’ll refer to a retreat in the more modern sense. When we think of a retreat we can think of a place one can go to relax, unwind, and destress, through various activities and exercises. Whether that is a hike, run, deep conversion, or yoga. In fact there’s research and various organizations that show how forest environments can improve health.

What are the ingredients to a perfect retreat?

One of the key ingredients to a great retreat experience is location. The best places for retreats are in quiet, outdoor and somewhat secluded environments, free of everyday distractions and pollutants. 

One of the key pollutants to try and remove ourselves from is noise pollution.  Believe it or not noise pollution can cause significant health effects, according to data released by the Word Health Organization. A quiet environment is therefore very important. A calm and quiet place where one can contemplate, eat, and sleep free from traffic noise, sirens, and the sounds that come with a busy urban environment is the key to great retreat experience.

Apart from environmental, nutritional considerations must also be made. Healthy and well sourced food is another vital component. Nourishing meals eaten in a calm and natural environment can really help nourish your mind and body.

Epona Rise, located in BC, is a great place to take part in a mental health retreat. Whether that’s a group yoga or meditation retreat, or you would like to run your own program, our facility is well suited for large group cabin rentals or groups who want an entire facility to themselves. Our facility offers and specializes in equine retreat programs, for groups and individuals, but you can run your own of course.